Use of modern technology by an orthopedic surgeon in Pakistan

Our body’s locomotion system works with the coordination of bones, muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and other soft tissues. These components are strong enough and work with great precision. An injury, disease or deformity could hinder their working leading to disability in moving the joint with its full range. An orthopedic surgeon in Pakistan could be relif on for the best treatment through modern means. Modern ways of using technology help to diagnose the issues and conceive surgery with utmost accuracy. The use of computer-aided machines in the medical field come into a trend with technological advancement. The ever-evolving technology lets orthopedists diagnose, execute and lay out the best treatment strategy for the better health of patients.
Types of modern technology
Nowadays computer-aided machinery for diagnosis and orthopedic surgical procedures are used for treatment. Sensors adhere to the affected area and the internal imagery is generated over a computer screen placed nearby. Surgical tools are guided to the affected part by looking at the video produced over the screen. An orthopedic surgeon in Lahore commences Computer-aided surgeries through three different methods i.e. volumetric imaging, fluoroscopic techniques, and kinematic evaluation.
Volumetric imaging
CT-scan, MRI, and techniques involving ultrasonic waves are some of its faces. It helps to yield 3D images of targeted body areas, making it easy for surgeons to assess the orthopedic condition and stick to an effective treatment plan.
Fluoroscopic techniques
A fluoroscope is used in this method which continuously takes x-rays of the affected part to produce an internal video over the computer screen. An image of structures such as organs, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and bones is captured over a digital screen. An orthopedic surgeon is able to observe the internal condition of a joint while in motion or after an activity.
Kinematic evaluation
This modern method not only helps to observe internal images of structures like bones, muscles, tissues, ligament, and tendons in motion but also evaluate the flexibility, tension, and force exerted over them.
An orthopedic surgeon in Lahore uses either a single technique or in combination to reach the exact diagnosis and do surgeries with great precision.
For what purpose orthopedic surgeons use modern technology
Orthopedic surgeons get advantage from these technologies in carrying out the following procedures:
Diagnostic tests
Diagnosis is the basic part as a treatment plan couldn’t be laid out without proper assessment of the issue bothering the patient. As the latest technology makes it feasible to generate internal images of the musculoskeletal system over screens, surgeons are able to observe the internal condition closely to reach the main cause. Also, it becomes easy for doctors to explain the matter to patients with the aid of images. Modern means letting the doctor observe the condition of the joint in-depth while in motion.
Replacement surgeries
Joint replacement surgeries are complex procedures that need much accuracy and the correct placement of artificial joints is compulsory for proper functioning and to avoid complications in the recovery phase. Largely introduction of technology in orthopedics was introduced because of replacement surgeries, as prosthetic components need to be fixed with accuracy.
Spinal surgery
Spinal surgeries are also complicated and need great exactitude because minor ignorance can lead to abnormal posture or damage to nerves which calls for further surgical procedures. Imaging tests let the surgeon view the issue closely and guide surgical tools without damaging the spine.
Fracture repair
Bone fractures bring about small damage fragments of tissues and bones which can be easily remove through computer-aided machines and small fractures can be filled easily.
The technology used for diagnostic tests
Orthopedic conditions range from minor to severe and it’s tough to evaluate the underlying issue as single symptom points toward many reasons. So an internal demonstration is vital to reach an appropriate diagnosis and build a treatment strategy accordingly. Here mentioned a few modern computer-assisted imaging tests recommended by an orthopedic surgeon in Pakistan:
Conditions like fractures and soft tissue tears can be examined through radiography. The patient is positioned in front of the machine producing x-ray waves which pass through the patient’s body and produce black and white images of organs, bones, and tissues over a computer screen. Printouts can also be obtained but most doctors prefer examining visuals over digital screens.
When results are not prominent from x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging is recommended to observe complex issues. MRI is a much more detailed imaging test where the patient is lie down over a platform inside a tube that projects magnetic waves on the body and the body convert them into radio signals that are captured by a computer which converts them into black and white images of the internal body parts.
It is an upgraded radiography scan where the tube spins around the patient getting x-rays from various angles. An orthopedic surgeon injects a colored dye or barium sulphate in the affected area to highlight the tissues in the scanned images.
Much like a CT scan, arthrography is conceived by injecting iodine into the patient’s body which highlights tissue irregularities in the x-rays taken.
This diagnostic test evaluates muscles condition within the body. The surgeon inserts a thin needle-like electrode into the affected muscles which measure muscular motion by sensing electrical activity. The computer then develops a graph that helps to check muscle tension, an injury, or abnormal muscle movement. Also, electrodes are place over the skin to measure nerve activities around affect muscles.
To check the density of bone absorptiometry technique is used. It is recommended for patients with osteoporosis when bone begins to disintegrate. Simultaneously two x-rays are taken thus also known as a dual-energy x-ray.
Arthroscopy is done through a small incision made over the affect part. An arthroscope is a thin pen-like device with a light and a camera atop. It is inserted through an incision and with the aid of a camera over the device pictures and videos are filmed from inside which are displayed over a computer screen nearby. This technique is also used for surgical repairs.
To check the blood flow or issues concern with vascular tissues, an orthopedist may recommend. Ultrasound whereby sound waves are sent into the body. The body responds to sound waves and handheld sensors placed over the skin help to generate black and white visuals of soft tissues over a computer screen.
An orthopedic surgeon in Pakistan uses modern means of surgery and diagnosis to ensure the quick recovery of patients with better mobility and no pain. The incorporation of advanced technology makes complicated procedures simpler and the success rate is maximum.