Wellness Plans are for So Much More Than Just Wellness – They Should Be Called Service Plans
Health Wellness Packages and Plans

Wellness is a huge buzzword right now, and it’s easy to see why: we all want to look and feel our best! But there’s a lot more to wellness than just looking good.
Wellness is often associated with physical health – nutrition, exercise, weight control, and so on – but it encompasses much more. Wellness is a comprehensive approach to health that nourishes the body, engages the intellect, and nurtures the soul. It’s a lifestyle and a personalized approach to living life in a way that allows individuals to become the best kind of person that their potentials, circumstances, and fate will allow.
Speaking with a wellness health practitioner about the strategy will ensure that you receive the most accurate assessment and evaluation possible. A comprehensive general health wellness plan can help you. Such plan or package is intended to improve and promote health and fitness. In fact, these service plans are for so much more than just wellness.
Let’s have a peek how wellness plans can come in handy for you:
Before getting deep into the discourse, let’s find what purpose wellness plans serve for consumers.
Move Value:
Let’s be honest: the purpose of wellness plans has evolved. Wellness plans are for so much more than just wellness. They should be called Service Plans because they provide far more value as an all-encompassing health plan versus just focusing on one aspect – your health.
Save Money on Healthcare:
These plans are much more than just a way to save money on your healthcare. They are an integral part of an overall approach to manage cash based health care expenses and get the best value.
Make informed Decisions:
These plans are designed to encourage people to be health conscious and make informed decisions about their health care needs. They’re also a great way for healthcare providers and practice groups to provide value-added, quality health care services to consumers.
In addition to gaining discounts and/or other value adds on medical services, consumers can benefit from the wellness plans and packages in other ways.
Getting a plan on a membership based platform eliminates the need to self-pay for packaged services at time of service.
If you have a provider, ask that provider to create plans, packages, or memberships. If you don’t have a provider, all you must do is to shop around and compare the service plans and opt for the right plan that works best for you.
One such platform to get the health wellness plans and packages among other health service plans is PlanSplit. The Platform allows consumers to control their service usage and savings. Monthly payments are automatically withdrawn from the bank accounts of the consumers. So, ask your health and wellness care provider to offer service plans on PlanSplit.
Another benefit of using this platform is that there are no credit checks required.
No insurance, no problem!
Find mental health counselling and other wellness care on PlanSplit. Consumers can enjoy split billing of the total wellness cost over the plan period. For providers, all the tasks, including billing, plan creation, cancellation, renewals, payment collection, membership, and other activities, become super easy without the need to manage a separate merchant account.
What Wellness Plan Includes:
Wellness care includes a wide array of health services such as, dentistry, chiropractic, veterinary, med-spa, mental health, optometry, audiology, acupuncture, concierge medicine, holistic medicine, physical therapy, medical massage therapy, women’s health, men’s health, medical yoga and so much more.
Let’s see how it helps:
Spiritual Wellness:
Having a spiritual foundation empowers one to sacrifice for others, their country and the larger good. It may derive from one’s religious belief, ancestry, experience in their communities, role model influence, and other influences.
Emotional Wellness:
For success and happiness, cultivating emotional health is essential. Everybody faces hardships and challenges. Those who are mentally healthy can deal with stress, relationships, responsibilities, upsetting events, and so on.
Physical Wellness:
Alongside mental wellness, one must focus on physical wellness as well. Find a suitable wellness plan to get a better understand of your lifestyle. It educates you on diet, nutrition and physical activity that can play a vital role in keeping you physically fit and fine.
Social Wellness:
It is important to understand the impact of your activities on your community, society and environment.
The purpose of wellness plans and packages is to promote health and happiness. Discuss your health with the health practitioner and see for yourself what they can do to help you.
Make the most of the plan to assess your current physical health and improve your mood with right guidelines on exercise and diet. All you need to do is to register an account with PlanSplit and find the perfect plan. On the other hand, Make the most of the plan to assess your current physical health and improve your mood with right guidelines on exercise and diet. All you need to do is to register an account with PlanSplit and find the perfect plan.
On the other hand
Make the most of the plan to assess your current physical health and improve your mood with right guidelines on exercise and diet. All you need to do is to register an account with PlanSplit and find the perfect plan. On the other hand, health wellness service providers can take advantage of the split billing and plan management software to increase compliance and loyalty. So, hurry up! Get the right wellness plan and packages for you, your pet and your family.