Why Is Life Coaching Becoming So Popular

The influence of life coaches
More and more people are turning to life coaches to help them achieve their goals and solve their problems. People feel like they’re stuck in some places in their lives and there’s no easy way out. This has led to an increase in the number of life coaches.
There are many reasons why people turn to life coaches, and search on internet life coach near me including mental health issues, physical illness, weight loss, career change, relationship challenges, or changes in employment status.
Coaches can help with all kinds of transitions in your life – whether that be personal or professional. You may have a personal transition (e.g.: retirement, death, divorce, etc.) or a professional one (retirement, moving, changing jobs, leaving a job,). Both require attention and resolution.
Life coaching helps you deal with both together or individually.
The desire for guidance
More and more people are seeking out life coaches to help them through difficult times. This is becoming increasingly common as social media pages like Facebook and Twitter make it easy to reach millions of people.
People love having an ear to tell them about what’s going on in this overwhelming world we live in.
Life coaches do not necessarily focus on happy events, they also work with you on educating yourself about your struggles that are holding you back from being able to move forward.
It may be related to something that you have been doing, a change that you have made or someone that you have let go of repeating over and over again.
Coaches can help you understand why you keep making the same mistakes and how you can put things right. It’s only by understanding your patterns that you will get rid of them.
Finding new ways to approach old problems can be very helpful to anyone trying to move forwards in their lives. By having a professional coach assist you, you feel much better prepared to deal with any difficulties.
They teach you strategies that don’t always involve talking. Learning these skills helps you handle most situations in your daily life.
You are in control of your own happiness and well-being, but by having a coaching session with a certified life coach, you are taking steps to improve your quality of life.
Rising levels of stress
With the average person now working for an additional four hours per day, it is no surprise that mental health issues are at an all-time high.
More than ever before, people are seeking relief from the pain that stress brings. Unfortunately, trying to be more productive or solving problems is not a healthy way to deal with stress.
The human body was created to handle certain amounts of stress; beyond that, things become harmful. Too much stress can cause your body to react in ways that end up doing very little other than keeping you stressed out.
To make matters worse, we’re spending less time living in the moment thanks to technology. The invention of the smartphone has caused us to always feel like we have too much information and not enough time with our families and friends.
Having access to information everywhere makes us know almost immediately when something happens around the world. We are constantly aware of events, their significance and potential impact on our lives.
This constant pressure to perform, to achieve, comes from inside as well as outside sources. It is hard to escape the perception that somewhere, someone is better off than you are.
You may be winning the game you’re playing, but do you really feel successful? Or happy? Chances are, you don’t. Because the truth is, how many times have you felt overwhelmed by work? How often have you thought, “I could have done this better”
Limitations of self-help material
Today, people are becoming more aware of the limitations of using only self-help materials. If we look at the most popular psychology theories for 2015, there’s one that focuses on how we interpret words as they relate to our understanding of ourselves and others. This theory helps explain why some individuals cannot put their finger directly on what is preventing them from living a life with less anxiety and depression.
There’s another theory related to this – prevention vs. treatment. It says that where therapy was used in the past, people often didn’t want to pay or find time in their schedules to go. With life coaching, you can work towards your goals online, through emails or text messages.
This method may be easier to access at any time and anywhere which has made it more popular. People prefer trying to solve problems by themselves and have things done around the house better than people who ask for help.
Another limitation of self-help books is that they don’t take into account the context of a person’s experience. Two people experiencing the same problem will respond differently to that issue.
How do these issues affect someone seeking assistance? They may feel that their situation is not being addressed completely by a therapist. Also, therapists allow people to learn ways to deal with their challenges that they can integrate into their lives.
These topics are discussed further in my video below.
Life is too short to be struggling with issues
There are many reasons why more people are choosing to seek life coaching instead of traditional therapy. Over 90% of therapists report that their number one priority is helping their client achieve health-related goals (Dennis, 2016). The average person visits his or her therapist eight times per year. For most people, this does not include any self-care practices they’re doing to maintain wellness (Tartakian, 2015).
Therapy can cost money; however, there are some places that offer discounts. With fewer sessions per week, it costs much less than regular therapy. Also, several companies offer group therapy for a lower price then individual therapy.
Life coaches also help people accomplish other goals such as productivity (work), creativity, relationship success, happiness, etc. By having a coach outside of your profession, you may learn strategies to better handle situations around these areas.
For example, my husband and I made a goal to travel last summer. We had never traveled together before and were both nervous about how our time would go. After interviewing several possible coaches, we decided to try out Life Planning 101.We completed the class in six hours and started traveling! See what I mean? It was easy and fun, and got us back to where we wanted to be.
If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated, find a coach who can guide you through the process. A good coach will make you look at things from a different perspective
Gain a better sense of self
There’s a reason that people choose life coaching to improve their lives — it can help you get a fresh perspective on your own problems, challenges, and goals.
A lot of times in our normal day-to-day lives, we aren’t really being honest with ourselves about what is bothering us or how to solve these issues.
When things are hurting, we have a tendency to want to ignore them or run away from them. However, when we learn how to be more aware of myself, I am able to know when something isn’t feeling good to me or is preventing me from moving forward.
By having a coach, I can make choices that lead to me getting what I want without sacrificing who I am. I can achieve my dreams while still enjoying who I am as a person.
I was never taught how to deal with stress or pain. But through trial and error (and a little bit of luck), I’ve learned ways to cope with both that work for me.
By taking some time out of my daily activities to connect with someone, they give me a way to release pressure and feel more balanced.
Become a better parent
Today’s parents are overwhelmed, to say the least. Between raising children and running a household, there isn’t much time or energy left for themselves.
Become a better parent by having more conversations about life with your child. Ask them questions that help them understand what is going on in their lives and why they are doing things.
Give yourself some breathing room to respond to their questions and concerns. This can include responding more quickly, being less strict, making more time, etc.
The goal is to create space for conversation so you can share times tables, goals, expectations, and other information that helps each of you to feel more confident in your role as a parent.
Conversational parenting focuses on how we talk to kids to let them know we are thinking and willing to listen. These discussions allow kids to see that their thoughts and opinions matter, even if only to us.
It also allows kids to be able to have thoughtful conversations with our partners, which is a very important part of growing up and learning to be independent people.
Learn to be a better friend
In order to have a good relationship with someone, you must first learn how to be a better friend. A lot of friendship happens between people that they know is there for them. You can make new friends, but until you understand what it takes to keep your existing friendships, you will never grow as a person.
Here are some tips for you to start developing today!
Focus on others around you
If you focus only on yourself, you will feel isolated and alone. It’s important to recognize your weaknesses and try to work on them. However, don’t over-analyze things or think too much about what everyone else has done or said.
Rather, look at those very same people and ask “how did they manage to be so happy and successful?” Then, use these examples to guide you towards being more positive and passionate in your life.
Create a healthy relationship
A lot of people are in relationships that don’t thrive or even exist because one or both partners aren’t being completely honest and open.
In these situations, there is no trust nor safety. You can’t be with someone unless you trust them and they trust you.
Also, if you’re not being true to yourself, how can you be true to anyone else? When two people are not being true to themselves, the whole relationship suffers.
It’s hard to live with someone who doesn’t understand themselves, which is why so many couples seek counseling when their relationships become unhealthy.
Counseling helps people learn new ways of living with themselves while taking care of their needs. It also takes an unbiased view about where the issues stem from.
That said, learning how to be more self-aware is helpful for any relationship. Whether your partner is suffering from mental health issues or addiction, understanding each other has far-reaching benefits.
You need to know what things hurt him or her, and what hurts you. If you want to help him or her recover, you have to recognize his or her pain as well.
This way, he or she will feel comfortable coming to you for help.
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