Use Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus

When it comes to talking about the fungus of the toenail, the first-ever fungus that will come to your mind is toenail fungus which is also called onychomycosis. If you are having toenail fungus then the most common symptom that you will notice is discoloration in the nail of your toe. Such decoloration can cause your nail to be in red, yellow, or brown color. If it won’t be treated then it will keep on increasing and thickening and there will also be the chances that it may crack your nail. It can be very painful and irritating. Toenail fungus is one of such problems that you would never want to see.
But if you get it on your toenail then we have a lot of home remedies that you can try to cure. We have many treatments that are being used for a long time. However, you can also go for medical treatments. Such as you can start to use ketoconazole cream for toenail fungus. This cream will be very helpful in treating this problem. We have also brought you a few home remedies that will be very helpful for you.
The points given below can be referred to as the home remedies for treating toenail fungus:
Make use of baking soda:
Baking soda is one of the most common cooking items that are available in almost every home. It has been claimed by the experts that baking soda has the quality of absorbing moisture which is the main cause of the fungus.
It will absorb all the unnecessary moisture and cure the toenail fungus. Furthermore, baking soda is also said to have anti-fungal property which will kill the fungus bacteria and will treat the fungus present on the nail of your toe. However, even if it has been suggested by the experts but still there is no scientific study that proves baking soda to have anti-fungal qualities.
Make use of garlic:
Garlic is also one of the most common food items that you can easily find in a home. Studies have also been made that claim that garlic is likely to cure toenail fungus. It can be made more clear with further studies. Now the main question is how will use garlic for fungus. Will you directly place it on the affected area? No, it is not used this way. You need to take a few cloves of garlic and make a paste out of them. Then you need to apply such paste to the affected area.
Do self-care:
The toenail fungus is more likely to be developed when you do not maintain the hygiene of your nails. You keep them big, dirty, and moist. But if you will start to keep your nails clean, short, and dry then there will be very few chances for the development of toenail fungus.
These are a few remedies that you can follow to prevent toenail fungus. You can use ketoconazole nail fungus cream along with these remedies to get rid of the toenail fungus.