The Young Scientists Club’s Magic School Bus Series Science Kits have won over 30 awards. The kits are tested by the children attending the Young Scientist Summer Camps before they go on the market so that they are tested very thoroughly by their target audience. These kits build on the success of the Magic School Bus books and DVDs, which allow Zauberschule Deutschland children ages 5 and up to actually participate in the science experiments so they learn more than just sitting and watching a DVD or book to read. Science for kids needs to be engaging, and hands-on experiments are the best way to achieve this goal. Science kits are always a useful addition to a homeschool library, but they’re not out of place in any home where kids need to be entertained, especially on weekends and school holidays.
The Young Scientists Club was founded in 1999.
Its mission is to engage boys and girls around the world in “an educational-scientific adventure that will last a lifetime . ” They aim to achieve this by offering products designed by Harvard grads, scientists, educators and parents to combine quality and learning with fun and excitement. They hope that children will be interested and want to learn more about science through experiments. The Magic School Bus series is just one of the series offered by the Young Scientist Club and is a range of fun and exciting kits based on the book series by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degan. Ms Frizzle and her students make science an exciting experience.
Back in time with the dinosaurs
Create a timeline, design a diorama, build a wooden dinosaur replica, cast and mold fossils, sculpt clay dinosaur teeth, simulate a dino dig, fold 3D dinosaurs…
Solar power to the rescue
Explore the greenhouse effect, collect real carbon dioxide, recreate global warming in a bottle, use a solar panel to spin a fan, create a solar secret code, design solar spinners, watch how solar energy Blowing up balloons… Dive into Slime, Gel
And Goop
Discover Oobleck, make glue from milk, grow wobbly marbles, make snow from super absorbent crystals, shape a bouncy ball, create slime, expand super absorbent gel crystals, melt fake snow, learn about polymers… Going
Recreate the water cycle, build a compost tube, shrink plastic, make packaging peanuts magically disappear, decompose food with fungi, sculpt pulp, make new paper, design shapes from recycled paper, learn the 3rd world!
Build a balloon jet, experiment with parachutes, fly a spinner, build the ultimate paper airplane, make paper magically rise, move floating ping pong balls, collapse a juice box, fly a glider, launch rockets … the mysteries
Of Space
Build a night vision flashlight, design a solar system cell phone, build a constellation box, draw constellation maps, recreate the phases of the moon, build a model of a solar eclipse, watch magic beads change color, build a working telescope… The world of
Grow bacteria and fungi, test antibiotics, make mushroom bubble, research antibiotics, grow mold, wake up mushrooms, grow bacteria in yogurt, use yeast to inflate a balloon…
Mystery of Rainbows
Wear rainbow glasses, design a rainbow spinner, blow rainbow bubbles, make rainbow milk, bend white light, mix colored paddles, bounce light waves off the ceiling, recreate Newton’s prism experiment… journey into the human
Bending bones, making joints, mapping taste buds, expanding lungs, building a stethoscope, measuring lung capacity and heart rate, performing the iodine strength test, spinning glitter, simulating synovial fluid, making a human body poster…
Each kit comes with all the materials needed (except for a few common household items) and a detailed parent/educator instruction manual, styled just like the famous books.
What kind of magic are you looking for – quick fix or permanent change?
For me there are two classes of magic: the quick fix and the permanent change. The same goes for the people looking for magic. There are those who want spells and rituals to bring about a quick fix in their lives, and there are those who seek a spiritual path focused on true conscious development and lasting change in this life and others.
Both types of magic are valid
There is nothing wrong with either type of seeker or either type of magic. Both types are perfectly valid. It’s just good to be clear about what kind of magic you’re looking for.
These rituals and spells are easy to learn, easy to use, and will serve you well on a regular basis. They also don’t require as much of you in terms of your time, attention, or dedication. You can use these rituals when you need them and put them on a shelf when you don’t need them. For example, regular use of a sun candle is useful.
On the other hand,
If you’ve looked at your life and found that you keep making the same mistakes or that you keep attracting the same situations, maybe your mind is calling you Zauberschule Deutschland down a different path. This is especially true if you are, as the saying goes, “tired of being sick and tired.” Smaller magical rituals can help to alleviate the situation in everyday life, but they never get to the root of the problem.
It’s always time
The good news is that regardless of whether you fall into the category of quick or serious seekers, there is always time to explore both options, in this life and in lives to come. I myself have come to the conclusion that repetition no longer interests me.
If you fall into the camp of serious spiritual seekers,Welcome to a deeper exploration of the magical worlds!
I gave my old limousines to my daughters.
It was a good feeling to know that the cars were equipped with sophisticated safety technology such as anti-lock braking systems, which were not yet common when new. My wife drove the Magic School Bus as her go-to car in New York for the first five years that we owned it. Then she got a newer van, and MSB retired to Florida. It’s not used very often there, but it’s handy for big shopping trips or when we need to haul four or five people with lots of luggage on the 300-mile trip between South Florida and the St. Augustine area where we often spend weekends and vacations.
Ultimately, however, all old car owners face a dilemma.
What should you do if the car needs major repairs that may cost more than the car is worth in working order? And when do you draw the line when components in an aging vehicle fail in a lengthy series of breakdowns?
The Magic School Bus and I faced three of those critical decisions.
Two of them came about five or six years ago when MSB was just entering middle age and not in their golden years. The gearbox began to grind and howl. It was a known problem with the 2000 Sienna, to the point that the automaker extended the transmission’s warranty coverage in an unannounced program. One dealer in New York claimed my car would not qualify for this coverage, but another in Florida said it would. The car moved south and had its transmission replaced.
Around the same time, the anti-lock brake actuator failed.
A new part cost more than $1,000, and the New York dealer quoted a price almost double that with installation. But the Florida dealer said he could find a used part and install it for a total of $900. I haven’t set foot in this New York retailer since.
With around 80,000 miles, old Sienna began his new life as a Florida retiree. It now has almost 150,000 miles. Last weekend we noticed that there was an oil leak.
That most of the leak came from the rear crankshaft seal
Mechanics at a Goodyear shop checked it thoroughly and found that most of the leak was coming from the rear crankshaft seal. I decided to take it to an AAMCO franchise.When I got the offer, I paused to think a little about the situation.
An online calculator from Kelly Blue Book estimated the vehicle would be worth around $5,000 in a private sale in South Florida, so at least I wouldn’t spend more than the car is worth. I could ski down a slippery slope.