Horoscopes or Janam Kundli by date of birth play an important role in Indian culture and often influence the way many families make decisions. In fact, it is quite common for people to have their own personal astrologers for advice before taking any big steps. In the context of marriage, astrologers are mostly sought after to match the horoscopes of the bride and groom. This is because many people believe that the exact position of certain celestial bodies can govern married life. If you are one of them and wondering how to find the marriage date in your Kundli or if you want to do kundli online matching by name and date of birth then scroll down.
Do you understand Janam Kundli by date of birth?
Kundli online is a type of astrological chart that requires two essential pieces of information for its accuracy – a person’s date of birth (including time) and place of birth. Using the ancient Vedic system of astrology, this chart has existed for thousands of years. Marriage kundli is also called Janam Kundli or Janam Patri. This form of astrology is so revering in India that people often do marriage Kundlis immediately after the birth of their child. Nowadays modern population check kundli by date of birth through Janam kundli app. Through the kundli for marriage can accurately compare love horoscopes. These apps offer free astrology predictions for marriage or marriage kundli by date of birth.
To understand how to find your wedding date in your kundli. You must first understand how an individual’s kundli is structure or how birth date horoscope matching is done. To begin with, an experienced astrologer will determine your Ascendant Sign based on the time and date of your birth. This sign becomes the first house in the birth chart, with all other signs arranged in a counterclockwise circle. These houses are fix, meaning that other celestial bodies such as stars and planets may move through them. They themselves remain in the same position in the birth chart.
How to read kundli online?
Marriage Kundli online can be easily read by date of birth. Each house represents specific aspects of your life such as your health, career, relationships and so on. An astrologer identifies the bodies present in each house to determine whether a certain period of your life is ideal for marriage. For example, if your matrimonial house contains Saturn throughout 2019, your astrologer will advise you not to get marry during this period. Similarly, if it contains a more favourable planet like Jupiter, you can expect to be hitch! Astrology is of course much more nuance and these simplify examples are only meant to provide clarity. The different angles each celestial body makes with your houses (and yourself) can lead an astrologer to believe whether or not it’s time for you to get marry.
Once the astrologer has studied your birth chart, he will study the birth charts of your potential spouses (if you are considering multiple options in an arranged marriage) to determine which men are right for you. Conversely, if you have already chosen your fiancé, the astrologer will use your birth chart to determine the most favorable time for marriage. This is also call lagna kundali matching. When predicting love marriage using the corresponding horoscopes, astrologers consider 8 main factors that have their own points:
- Varna: one point
- Vashya: two points
- Tara/Dina: three points
- Yoni: four points
- Grah Maitri: five points
- Ghana: six points
- Bhakut: seven points
- Naadi: eight points
That adds up to 36 points. Astrologers compare these factors between two horoscopes to determine the final score. According to Vedic Astrology, a couple needs at least 18 points for the horoscope to align. Similarly, 28 points is the most preferred score and indicates a very happy union. Once a basic match is made, astrologers then examine specific aspects of the horoscopes in more detail. For example, if the groom has his own business. The bride should not have an adverse planet clashing with his corresponding house of work and career.
It may indicate that the groom may suffer losses in his work after the wedding. Astrologers also analyze doshas or negative influences to predict problems that a couple may face. For example, if two people have the same Nadi Dosha as Madhya Naadi. Then it is believe that they may experience problems in conceiving a child. So there are many factors that influence horoscope compatibility and determine whether two people are suitable for each other.
Finding the right muhurat through kundli online?
Marriage kundli is not only use to find out whether two people are compatible. But also to determine the right date and time of marriage. This is know as Muhurat. To find out, astrologers create a detailed chart projecting the love horoscope of the bride and groom for the year. They then identify the common lucky periods in both the horoscopes to find out the right date and time for the wedding.
However, it is not that simple! Other factors such as the Moon transiting certain houses, planets transiting certain houses and constellations present in the houses. Can all affect the auspiciousness of a given date. In addition to Milan weapons by date of birth – these factors are also important.
Is marriage prediction through kundli successful for couples?
The universe is full of things that science cannot explain. However, while some people turn to faith to explain the inexplicable, others prefer skepticism. If you are wondering if you should trust your Kundli predictions. Then you should do this: take its advice into consideration, but don’t rely solely on what they say. Relationships are hard work, and whether you have an arranged marriage or a love marriage. You have to be willing to understand who your partner is. A lack of communication and mutual respect can destroy any relationship, no matter how perfectly matched your horoscopes are! Then the rashi corresponding chart for marriage will never be so significant.
Also Read:- With 20 years of solutions from BuyKundli, get your Kundli Online
Some important pointers
If you and your family believe in love horoscopes. Then it is best not to make any concrete plans until they determine the right date and time. This is because you may have to give up your deposit or change your plans dramatically. However, most marriages in India take place around the same three to four months, so it may not be possible to pinpoint the ideal wedding location. You may end up with a date that just doesn’t work. And you may need to move your wedding date up to have it at a specific location. The best way to balance these seemingly conflicting factors is not to focus on one particular location. Have a backup plan and then a backup for your backup!
Finding a match, whether through a circle of family acquaintances or on your own. Can be a long shot. It is important to understand if the person is right for you by spending some time getting to know them. Relying on your love horoscopes is a great way to lay a solid foundation, but the best part of a successful love marriage must come from you!
Once you’ve found a match and set a date, use one of our experienced wedding planners to ensure all your functions run smoothly!
Source code:- https://www.thetodayguide.com/?p=14333&preview=true