A Guide for First-Time Parents

After enduring labor and delivery, you are now ready to return home and start your family with your baby. You might feel lost once you get home.
These tips will make even the most anxious parents feel more confident caring for their newborn.
Help after the birth
This can be overwhelming and very stressful. Talk to experts while you are in the hospital. Many hospitals have lactation consultants or feeding specialists who can help you start nursing or bottle-feeding. You can also get help from nurses to care for your baby, including how to hold, burp and change.
You might consider hiring a doula, a babysitter, or a responsible teen to provide in-home support for you during your pregnancy. if you can ask your doctor for information on in-home care and they might refer you to home health agencies.
Friends and relatives often want to help. Even if your opinions differ on some things, you shouldn’t dismiss the experience of others.
If you aren’t up for having guests, or if you have other concerns about the guest’s safety, you shouldn’t feel guilty about limiting their access.
How to Handle a Newborn
Their fragility can be frightening if you haven’t spent much time with them. These are some basics to keep in mind:
Before you touch your baby, wash your hands or use a hand soap. Because newborns are still developing their immune systems, they are at high risk of infection. You want to ensure that your baby’s caregivers are clean.
Your baby’s neck and head should be supported. When you are carrying your baby, cradle it. Also support your baby’s head while you carry him or her upright.
Do not shake your baby, in frustration or play. Shaking can lead to bleeding and even death. Do not shake your infant to wake him or her. Instead, gently tickle his feet or blow on his cheeks.
Your baby should be securely secured in a carrier, stroller, car seat, or other vehicle. Avoid roughing your baby or making him bounce.
newborn may not be ready to play rough, like being thrown in the air or jiggled on one knee.
Soothing and bonding
Bonding is one of the most enjoyable parts of infant care. It happens in the initial hours and days following birth, when parents form a strong connection with their infant. Emotional connection can be promoted by physical closeness.
Attachment is important for infants because it contributes to their emotional development. This also impacts their physical and mental growth. One way to look at bonding is “falling for your baby”. Children are most happy when they have a parent or another adult who is there for them.
Start bonding with your baby by gently touching him or her in various ways. You and your partner may also enjoy the chance to “skin-to skin”, holding your baby against your skin while feeding, cradling or caring for it.
Infant massage may be beneficial for babies with special needs, such as premature babies or those who are ill. Some types of massage can enhance infant bonding and aid in growth and development. There are many books and videos that cover infant massage. Ask your doctor for suggestions. Massage your baby gently, as babies aren’t as strong as adults.
Babies love singing and talking. Music is a favorite pastime for babies. You can stimulate your baby’s hearing with baby rattles or musical mobiles. You can also encourage your child to sing, recite poetry, and read aloud while you rock or rock him gently in a chair.
A soothing technique that first-time parents should master is swaddling. It works well for babies in their first few weeks.
Swaddling is a good way to keep a baby’s arms close together and allow for movement of the legs. Swaddling not only keeps a baby warm but also gives most babies a sense security and comfort.
Here are some tips to wrap a baby in a swaddle.
Spread the blanket out, and fold one corner over.
Place the baby face up on the blanket, with his/her head above the corner.
Wrap the left corner of the body over it and place it under the right arm.
Pull the bottom corner towards the baby’s head and bring it up above their feet. Fold the fabric down if the fabric gets too close to the skin. Avoid wrapping too tightly around your hips.
Your hips and knees should be bent slightly and turned out. Hip dysplasia can be increased by wrapping your baby too tight.
Wrap the right corner of the blanket around your baby. Tuck the left end under your baby’s head on the left. You can put your hand between your baby’s chest and the blanket to allow for easy breathing.
However, it is important to not let the blanket fall apart.
Babies shouldn’t be swaddled until they are 2 months old. Babies can roll over in swaddles at this age. This increases the risk of sudden infant deaths syndrome (SIDS).
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