The correct order for the office floor cleaning

The floor is one of the most important parts of the office cleaning because it is the element that can get the dirtiest due to all the traffic of people that it supports.
Employees of an office do not have the habit of changing their shoes before going to work, but directly from the street, they step on all the facilities from top to bottom during their working day.
What if it rains? What if someone has stepped on some mud? Or worse yet, what if someone has stepped on animal excrement and has it stuck to the sole of their shoe all over the office?
We know that we have touched on an eschatological issue, but it is a reality. There is an incredible amount of dirt on the soles of our shoes that can end up on an office floor.
In today’s article, we want to give you some tips so you know how to properly clean an office floor, considering some specific factors.
Let’s go there!
#1 Cleaning time
We always recommend that office cleanings be carried out during off-peak hours when workers are absent. This can be at mealtime, either first thing in the morning or late in the afternoon.
In this way, it will be possible to clean a larger surface in a more effective way, since there will not be too many elements that hinder cleaning and employees will not be disturbed in their most productive hours.
If you have to use a vacuum cleaner, the noise can impede everyday office tasks.
#2 The flooring material
The type of products or machinery used to clean office floors depends a lot on their material.
Stoneware, marble, parquet, carpet… These are just some of the usual office floorings that require specific cleaning and maintenance techniques.
If the floor is carpeted, you will need a powerful vacuum followed by steam cleaning to disinfect and remove stains.
On a parquet or stoneware-type floor, a mop can be used after removing the most superficial dirt with a mop or a vacuum cleaner, but always with the mop very well wrung out without leaving excessive water.
If we made the pavement of marble, forget about using bleach, since being such a porous material, it would end up being damaged.
As you can see, each material has its needs and you must know them perfectly to avoid damaging the floor and to ensure that the cleaning results in quality.
#3 Cleaning products
We think it is best to use bleach, so that everything is well disinfected and clean, but not all materials are resistant to these types of abrasive products.
It is very important to use specific products for each pavement and thus prevent it from being damaged. Keep in mind that it does not emit very strong and unpleasant odors to the office staff.
#4 Prevention of dirt
Preventing the floor of an office from getting excessively dirty is also part of its maintenance and we can achieve this by using rugs at the entrance of the office.
If each employee thoroughly rubs their feet on a sturdy, high-bristle rug before coming to work, you can considerably remove the amount of dirt left on the office floor.
#5 Signage
If an office floor needs to be cleaned when employees are inside, it is very important to use visible signs that this work is being done.
In this way, employees can decide to take an alternative path so as not to hinder cleaning tasks and even avoid slipping if the floor is wet.
It is a matter of health; Not only for having a clean and well-cared office appearance but also maintaining adequate hygiene in a facility is necessary to avoid future problems with employees.
Both the possibility of diseases because of excessive dirt, and someone suffering an accident because of the cleaning work that is being carried out.
Always signal!
Delegate the cleaning of your office floor
If cleaning your office is something that drives you crazy, you should delegate this task to a cleaning company in Sydney like us. At SCS Group Integrated Services, the cleaning professionals take care of everything and take care of the day-to-day running of your facilities so that they are kept clean and sanitized.
And you, how do you clean the office floor?