Everyone has a different approach when it comes to how to organize their code in a legible manner. Is there an ideal method to go about it, then?
Hire react js developer who knows about these practices. We would prefer you select the candidate from the reputed software development company.
Practices that React Js Developers Should Follow
Directory Structure
According to the React documentation, grouping by features or routes and grouping by file type are the two primary methods for structuring React applications. It’s important not to overthink this.
If you start with a simpler application, your code naturally gets organized as you go in a way that suits you. Keep in mind that React has no opinions, so the way things organized is entirely up to the react js developer. It doesn’t matter all that much as long as you can explain the organization of your files logically.
Assume we have an online store with a user, a list of products, a description of each product, a shopping cart, and a checkout process.
Combining Feature Groups
The src directory, one of the two base folders in your React application, serves as the root directory in this instance. We’ll have the fundamental App.js and index.js files in the src directory at the top of the folder. Then, for each of the features in your application, we’ll have nested directories.
The organization of your move may differ; it may have more or fewer directories, or it may have even deeper nesting into components, style, and testing.
Organization By File Type
The src directory continues to be the root directory. This folder still contains everything that will show on the client’s screen. The App.js and index.js files will remain in this directory’s root, as before, and the components, context, CSS, hooks, and tests directories will stand in for the various components of the application.
Like before, the structure of your project depends on your application and how you want to use it. This file’s fundamental structure is solely based on the type of file it is. Ultimately, you want your file structure to be simple to traverse. You decide how you carry that out.
Components and Concerns Separation
It was quite simple to distinguish between what regards as a Stateful Class Component and a Presentational Functional Component before React Hooks. Some developers refer to these as “smart” components as opposed to “dumb” components. Of course, the smart components are the ones that manage logic and carry the state, while the dumb components are the ones that merely receive the props.
Most things are as functional components as a result of React Hooks and the Context API change, which sparks a discussion on whether to distinguish between components that include local state and those that do not, and how to handle it.
In the end, the design pattern’s construction is up to you and/or your team, but best practices tend to keep logic and locally stateful components apart from static components.
Taking Care of State and Props
In a React application, the data flow is crucial. Working with data in one of two ways: utilizing state or transferring state as props. Examining best practices is next.
The state cannot be explicitly modified by assigning a new value to a state property while handling it, whether globally in the context API or locally:
Instead, use this.setState() function to update the state when dealing with it in class components.
You might need to pass props five children down at some point while dealing with props and handing state down to other components to use. Props drilling—a practice of handing down props from parent to kid across several generations—should get avoided.
Although the code would undoubtedly function if you passed the props down many generations, it is prone to faults, and the data flow can be challenging. It’s best to build some form of design pattern for global state management with Redux or Context API if you need to grant children access to state multiple generations down (with Context API currently the simpler, more preferred way).
Reusability is essential to React. The word abstraction is frequently used while discussing best practices for React. Abstraction refers to the ability to extract parts of a larger component or application, transform them into independent functional components, and then import those independent functional components back into the bigger component. The likelihood that the code gets reused increases when a component is as straightforward as possible, frequently by making it fulfill just one purpose.
There are chances to abstract away some of the App Component’s features in the straightforward counter application that was previously constructed. The function and the button label passes down as props when abstracting the buttons into their own component.
The application’s header and title may alternatively belong in separate components.
The primary goal of abstraction is to make the child components as generic as possible, allowing for flexible reuse. Only information is unique to the application rendered or returned by the app component, which only contains smaller components.
Naming Customs
In React, the following three naming conventions are generally regarded as best practices.
Components named for their function rather than a specific application feature capitalized in camelCase and written in PascalCase.
Key elements must be distinct, non-random identifiers. React js developers recommend employing more than just indexes as keys. It is OK to have a key assignment that combines two distinct object characteristics.
The key’s primary function is to hold essential data so that React js developers can understand what has changed in the application.
Methods should not be application-specific, or named for their function, or be in camelCase. Methods names for their purpose rather than their feature in the application, for the same reasons as components, are in PascalCase.
Just keep in mind that React doesn’t care how you pass data around—only that you do.
Developers will need to be able to understand and build upon your contributions when they update and read your code in the future.
I sincerely hope this blog has aided you in your React exploration. Continue to learn React and follow all of its updates. Hire react js developers from a reputed software development company.