Magazine in Germany
german tec magazin:
Germany is renowned for its media landscape that is vast. Technology and corporate media sources are not an exception. This is good, since it implies that there is the perfect publication, whether it’s print or online, that is suitable for anyone. It can be quite difficult to select the best kind of media outlet for your specific needs, particularly when you’re not a German speaking.
Deutsche Startups
Deutsche Startups is a business magazine that is published by Alexander Husting and Stefan Vosskotter. Being among the first publications to cover German startups, the German startup scene, both offer insight and details on the latest trends, news and investments. Established more than 10 years in the past, the magazine became an important news platform with regards to startup issues and receives around 350K people every month.
DIE ZEIT is one of the largest and most influential newspaper in Germany. It is published every week on a Thursday and is classified as liberal, independent and frequently in the middle between political views. The newspaper covers issues that span the globe and all aspects of the social world. If you’re featured in an article you can be certain that the entire nation will know about the story. The website receives more than 82 million visits each month and the print edition was read by more than 2.1 million people in the year 2019.
DIE ZEIT is particularly well recognized due to its feuilleton and political sections. However, the main strength can be found in the online and the ZEIT Campus section. Which is a promising location for startups to establish their businesses.
Grunderszene is the top online magazine that covers the scene of startups and its digital economy of Germany. With stories, news and video streams, as well as opinions, analysis and investigative stories and background pieces Grunderszene is read by over 2 million unique readers every month. Grunderszene is also a partner with a variety of media outlets including DIE WELT, Berliner Wirtschaft and other outlets, which has resulted in articles being published in these outlets too. It’s a great amplifier effect for startup news, to put it simply. Grunderszene is also tightly linked to NGIN Food and NGIN mobility Two online magazines which are produced by Vertical Media. They are focused on, surprise the food technology industry, and mobility topics.
The offices that handle editorial content of Grunderszene and Business Insider have been combined (see Business Insider). The result was that, Vertical Media GmbH was removed.
Handelsblatt is an daily newspaper that covers economic and financial subjects. In 2017 it was named “Europe’s best newspaper” as in addition to being”Europe’s most trusted daily “most trustworthy daily” one year prior. Handelsblatt is among the leading national publications for notices issued by the statutory authorities of the Frankfurter Wertpapiersborse (Frankfurt Stock Exchange). Their website is viewed by greater than 20 million visitors every month and the printed edition was purchased nearly half a million copies in the last year.
Horizont is a trade journal that covers the areas of advertising, marketing, and media. The journals that are distributed through Germany and Austria have been published by different publishers. The print edition saw 72K in sales in the year the year 2019 and the website has 1.6 million visitors per month. Making your story appear in their daily focused newsletters gives you an additional boost in awareness because they are mandatory readings on every manager’s to-do list.
Impulse is an e-business magazine that is published monthly and reports on the latest business. Management and finance and provisions as well as tax-related issues. It is aimed at mid-sized business owners and sold the magazine 91K copies in its first year. The website is visited by 1.4 million visitors per month. If you’re looking to better understand the German Mittelstand, you must you should start looking this up.
Internet World Business
Internet World Business is a brand-name journal that is which is published each two weeks. This is an B2B journal that targets those who market or sell products on the internet. The main topics are online-marketing, electronic-payments, webshops research, internet law, and trends in the internet. The site has 615K visitors each month and the printed version, which is accessible by subscription only, has an average of 20K copies in the last year. The daily newsletter is listed on the list of subscriptions for several e-commerce managers in DACH.
LEAD digital is part of the Werben & Verkaufen media group however, it’s more modern than its mothership W&V. It’s the most important German market and business platform. That concentrates on digital lifestyles and includes topics related to technology and marketing as well as job opportunities. The site is targeted towards professionals, as well as casual users and has a monthly count of 1,9 million visits.
Manager Magazin
Manager Magazin is a monthly published journal that focuses on reporting by companies and economics. It is part of the German Spiegel Media Group and has sold around 500K printed copies in the year 2000. The online edition has 6.27 million monthly readers.
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